Conference on Philozionism: Program online
We are happy to share with you the program of our upcoming conference on July 19-20 feat. a keynote by Markus Kirchhoff (Leipzig).

CfP: Philozionismus. Workshop at LMU Munich, 19-20 July 2017
Workshop für (Post-) DoktorandInnen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, speziell für (Nachwuchs-) WissenschaftlerInnen aus den...

Hulda Zlocisti – Women in the Zionist movement
When reading about early Zionism, we read mostly about men. But women were involved in Zionism from the beginning. One of them was Hulda...

Research: Anti-Zionism explained by the usage of The Three Oaths by the Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum
Before speaking about the topic itself, a few remarks are necessary to introduce this topic of ultra-Orthodox minutiae. In this text, the...

CfP: Nations, Minorities and Human Rights During the 20th Century
Junior academics' workshop on the history of politics 6th to 9th June 2016, Jena Call for Papers The Hungarian historian Iván T....

Research: Otto Warburg - A Forgotten Zionist
At the turn of the last century, a group of German or German-trained Zionists around Otto Warburg (1859-1900) decided to take charge of...

Event: Naming the Nation - Workshop in Munich
Naming the Nation: Practices of Naming in Between the Conflicting Spheres of Politics, Society and Science Munich, 4th– 5th February 2016...